Have you heard, success breeds confidence and confidence breed success. Let’s put that under the microscope for a second or so. Confidence is defined as:belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance. Success is defined as:the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.

So it appears in order to have success you need to have confidence, or is it, the more confidence I have, the more success I will achieve. In other words, they go hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other.

In life, we MUST believe we belong, as an athlete when it’s time for me to perform and it doesn’t matter the occasion, I know I belong, I have the confidence and my confidence will breed success and my success will breed confidence. This isn’t just in athletics, it’s in every area of life, we MUST believe we belong, we MUST have the confidence, that belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities, self-confidence, self-reliance, assurance.

As always, thanks for stopping by. God bless 🙂

Coach Keven


When you are digging a hole for yourself and I don’t mean literally, what do you do? For many and I have been guilty of this, we simply keep digging and what does that do, you got it, makes the hole deeper and now harder to get out of.

Now doesn’t it seem logical and makes sense to simply stop digging  and making a deeper hole, that’s a rhetorical question.  Here is the thing, we know we’re digging the hole, because now this will be profound, we’re the one doing the digging…STOP!!!


As always, thanks for stopping by.

God bless 🙂


Coach Keven


These three letters say and mean a lot. These three letters have ignited many and stifled many as well. Many don’t try for the fear of failing, you have heard the saying, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again“.

You will never do anything, go anywhere, until you try, even when you fail, you have at the very least tried. Will you be laughed at, scorned, poked fun at, be ridiculed at times, absolutely, think about this, “It’s not because it’s difficult that we don’t try. It’s because we don’t try, it’s difficult.”
― Volksweisheitheit

You will try many things today and going forward and you will succeed in doing this, in trying and everything else simply follows.


Thanks for stopping by,

God bless 🙂


Coach Keven


Words from Shakespeare, to thine own self be true. In life we seek, look for validation, competition really breeds this, our quest to be #1. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, but consider the journey we’re on and to thine own self be true. Don’t compromise who you are, your beliefs, what you stand for, your values, morals, standards. You don’t have to try and keep up with the Jones, be concerned, worry about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence, simply water your grass so that it can be greener, again to thine own self be true.

We live in a society where we’ve viewed and really judged by status, image, big house, fancy cars, bank accounts, the newest, latest I-phone, gadgets, so now the pressure is on, to live up to the expectations others place on us. We fall short of those expectations, real or otherwise and then what?  Many have fallen to the point of no return, have loss hope,  have loss friends, family, other loved ones, among other things. Know your worth, know your value, know you’re here on this earth for a purpose, but it first begins with TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE and see how much easier, more content you are and how much better you will sleep at night.


Thanks for stopping by, God bless!!


Coach Keven 🙂


Shortcuts, that sounds enticing and at times is, but it depends on the situation. But by and large shortcuts in life will only get you shortcut results. It really amounts to what you put in, is what you get out, nothing from nothing, leaves nothing.


I know it can be, shall I say again, enticing, tempting to take the easy way out, that’s the deception, that’s the all that glitter’s, isn’t gold. You may have heard, if it was easy, everybody would do it, truer words have never been spoken. I know we live in the microwave society, instant gratification, I want it and I want now!! With this mindset, it is no wonder shortcuts seem to be the answer.

Ask yourself where am I, how does this apply to me? Well it is about you, it is about me, it starts with the man in the mirror. If you are the one that is always seeking shortcuts and you know who you are, remember you will get shortcut results. Look in the mirror and make that change.


God bless 🙂


Coach Keven



The old adage, ” If you failed to plan, you plan to fail” this speaks to preparation. I wrote on opportunity the other day, however to not be prepared for any opportunity, would be failing to plan. What does preparation mean? It requires planning, thoughts, reviewing, insight, vision, among other things.


What we do now in preparation is for what we face right now and in the future and what we did in the past, certainly can benefit our preparation for right now and in the future. In preparation it requires self evaluation, an honest look at ourselves and also taking into consideration how others see us, this will help in our preparation.

It’s important how we take feedback from others, in the right spirit, attitude, as that will play a role in how we shape ourselves, in how we plan, in how we prepare. Never take preparation lightly in whatever you do, again failing to plan, is planning to fail.


God bless 🙂

Coach Keven




In life we have opportunities every day, opportunities to do many things. I’m sure you may have heard this adage “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity  Well I’m not talking luck here, because for some, luck can be bad luck, but I am speaking about opportunity.  Some opportunities have an expiration date on it,  as someone said, you must take advantage of the opportunity, during the life time of the opportunity. As an athlete, I know for example I have a game, track meet on a particular day,  or as a non athlete, the 3 day sale at my favorite store, that is the life time of that opportunity.


Sadly and I have been guilty of this, many let the life time of the opportunity expire, go by the wayside and as equally as sad, many opportunities only come around once. Yes we may be fortunate to have another opportunity for that same opportunity, but you never know at the same time. But here is the thing also, the opportunity may come around again, but you may not, for a variety of reasons. Seize the moment, take advantage of the opportunities life presents you. Use your God given talents, gifts, abilities, capabilities to do your very best and don’t have any regrets along the way.

Don’t always think about opportunity in needing to be prepared, every opportunity doesn’t always require preparation, someone may cross your path and have a need, that is your opportunity to be a blessing to that person and it may be as simple as a smile, a nod of a head. 🙂


God Bless,


Coach Keven


How do you define success? I am speaking in any and every area of your life. Some think money, status, big house, fancy cars, material things, define success, well if you loss all that, would you lose your success? You see many folks have loss all of that and then some.


I am not telling anyone how they decide to define success, what’s important to you? Success to one person, may not be success to another person. Is success important? If it is, what are you willing to do, to achieve it? I will say this, NEVER sell your soul for anything and this would include your quest for success.


God bless!!

Coach Keven

Muscle Memory Part 1

Muscle memory can be best described as a type of movement with which the muscles become accustomed to over time. For example, newborns don’t have muscle memory for activities like crawling or walking, (Ellis-Christensen, 2012). The only way for the muscles to become accustomed to these activities is for the baby to learn how to do these things and then practice them with a great deal of trial and error. Gradually as the baby becomes a skilled walker, he falls less, is able to balance and is finally able to incorporate other activities into his life such as running and jumping.

 This process is achieved by building neural pathways that will give the muscles a sense of: muscle memory. In other words, even without thinking, the child is able to walk, and the muscles are completely accustomed to this process. They do not have to tell the body to walk; the body just knows how to do it, this is down to the neurons which communicate with the muscles and say, “walk now;” as quoted by Ellis-Christensen, (2012).

 This term is known as, ‘Muscle memory’ and is an unconscious process. The muscles grow accustomed to certain types of movement. This is extremely important in different types of training for sports. The more often you do a certain activity, the more likely you are to do it as needed.

 Physiologists know that any skeletal muscle activity that is learned can become essentially automatic with practice. Muscle memory is therefore a common term for neuromuscular facilitation, which is the process of the neuromuscular system memorizing motor skills. We know that repetition is the mother of skill and that practice makes permanent. After repeating the same movement over and over again, the movement seemingly becomes second nature. It’s like we’re not paying attention but of course it’s all coming from the same region of the brain that controls everything.

 Morley (2012) noted the theories that explained motor learning were developed at the beginning of the 20th Century. Dr. Edward Thorndike who was a pioneer in the study of motor learning and he conducted various experiments that showed subjects required very minimal training in completing tasks that were learned decades before. These experiments led Thorndike and other scientists to determine that learned motor skills are stored in the memory section of our brains.

 ‘We all use muscle memory techniques in our everyday life. Whether it is riding a bicycle, typing on a keyboard or entering a common password or pin number, we have taught our muscles to carry out these commands without putting much thought into them. It takes a great deal of practice and repetition for a task to be completed on a strictly subconscious level. For professional sports players it may take hundreds of hours of practice and repeated shots for the brain and muscles to perform at a world class level;’ (Morley, 2012).

 The process of adding specific motor movements to the brain’s memory can take either a short or long time depending on the type of movements being performed. When movements are first being learned, the muscles and other body controlling features (such as ligaments and tendons) are stiff and slow and can be easily disrupted if the brain is not completely focused on the movement; as quoted by Morley (2012). In order to complete the memorization, acts must be done with full attention. This is because brain activity increases when performing movements, and this increased activity must be fully centred on the activity being completed. Much of the motor learning in the brain is located in the cerebellum which is the part of the brain in charge of controlling sensory and cognitive functions.  Stay tune for part 2, tomorrow, until then, God bless!

Coach Keven 🙂



Know Your Why

Not just in sports, but in all that we do, we MUST KNOW our why? Why I am doing, undertaking this? I believe in knowing, establishing your why, that will drive, motivate, compel you even more.

Let me relate this to sports and training now. As a coach, trainer, I need to know the why for me, as well as I need to know the why from you, why are you here and why did you select me?

Without a why, there is no direction, it’s like ship, without a captain, just drifting along and anyway the wind blows is where the ship goes. Just think, our life simply cannot be like that, we MUST have a why.


Until next time, God bless 🙂

Coach Keven